Worried? It can help to talk to someone.

Sometimes when you’ve tried things to make yourself feel better and you just don’t feel any different, you might find it helpful to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

The good news is there are lots of people out there that you can talk to who can try and help you. 

For children and young people

  • If you’re under 25 then you can contact The Mix Tel: 0808 808 4994 (4pm-11pm each day)

  • IW Youth Trust can provide confidential counselling support for 4-25-year-olds. Tel: 01983 529569 (10am-4pm, Mon-Fri).

    The Isle of Wight Youth Trust offers you the opportunity to talk in private about any issues or problems you may be having, to help you try and find a way forward, through difficult times. Our service is completely free for any young person aged 4-25 living on the Isle of Wight. If you are over the age of 13, you can see us without your parents knowing (if you don’t want them too) it is your choice. If you are under 13, we will need to speak to your parent/guardian’s to get their permission for you to attend.

    For many, phone and online/video counselling provides more flexibility and while it is different to that of face-to-face counselling, our services are of the same high standard as always, delivers by professional, qualified counsellors who are experienced in working with young Islanders.

    You can refer yourself here

    Each Wednesday from 2.30pm -4.30pm we also offer a Mental Health Drop In in The Hub at 114 Pyle Street, Newport for young people aged 13 and over. Find out more on our website.

  • The Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) service provides a service to children and young people aged 0-18yrs and their families who are experiencing emotional health and wellbeing difficulties. Parents, children, and young people can contact the service to discuss how they can access the service’s support. Tel: 01983 523602 (Monday to Thursday 08.30am-5pm, Friday 08.30am-4.30pm. The CAMHS service is accepting referrals as normal. You can also ask a health professional to refer you to the service, adolescents can also refer themselves to the service. You can find more about the CAMHS service here and they have recently set up a CCAMHS Facebook page which has lots of helpful resources and ideas. The page is called Isle of Wight CCAMHS which you can view here.

  • Childline offers a 24-hour support service, every day of the week. Tel: 0800 1111

  • Barnardo’s Talk2 Counselling service for children and young people provides therapeutic help and support for children’s emotional health and wellbeing. The service is operating and delivering face to face counselling sessions, working from the Barnardo’s family’s centres. Children still have the option to be seen virtually should they prefer.

    Tel: 01983 865657 (Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm). You may find their leaflet useful too.

  • Mountbatten offers a bereavement counselling service to children and young people both pre and post bereavement. Sessions can be conducted face to face, online or by telephone.

    Contact Mountbatten on 01983 217346 or coordinatationcentre@mountbatten.org

  • Kooth Online Counselling Service for 11 – 25 years (up to 26th birthday) in Hampshire, Southampton, and Isle of Wight.

    We are delighted to inform you that NHS Hampshire, Southampton, and Isle of Wight has commissioned the online counselling service Kooth, a service delivered by Kooth Plc.

    Kooth is an integral component of our local mental health provision offering digital counselling and emotional well-being service for young people.

    Kooth is a free online counselling and emotional well-being support service providing young people aged 11-25 years (up to 26th birthday) in Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight with a safe and secure means of accessing support with their emotional health and wellbeing needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors. By accessing Kooth students can benefit from:

    • A free, confidential, anonymous and safe way to receive support online.
    • Out of hours’ availability. Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop-in basis.
    • Online Counselling from a professional team of BACP qualified counsellors is available via 1-1 chat sessions or messaging on a drop-in basis or via booked sessions.
    • Discussion Boards which are all pre-moderated allow young people to access peer to peer support.
    • Online Magazine full of moderated articles many of which are submitted by young people offering advice and guidance on a huge range of topics.
    • No referral is required. Young people can register for kooth independently at www.kooth.com

    To use the service or find out more visit www.Kooth.com

  • Amparo - Free and confidential support for people of all ages for as long as you need it. Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, groups of colleagues or peers – whatever is preferred by you and is most appropriate to your situation. The service can be delivered in your home or wherever you are most comfortable. Call 0330 088 9255. Please note this is not a crisis line.

CRISIS LINE - Havant and East Hants MIND run a Freephone crisis line available to all children and young people aged 11-17 living in Hampshire or the Isle of Wight. Young people calling the crisis line will receive immediate access to 1:1 confidential, emotional support; advice on healthy coping skills and resources; signposting to useful apps and websites.

Opening hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3pm to 8.30pm. Call FREE on 0300 303 1590 during the above times.

For urgent help, organisations such as Papyrus can also provide a high level of support.

There is also Pan-Hampshire and IW Self-harm Pathway. This pathway relates to all children under 18 years who present with self-harm behaviour.

For parents and families

  • Young Minds has a helpline for parents. Tel: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday,9.30am-4pm)

  • Family Lives has a helpline for all aspects related to parenting including mental health advice. Tel: 0808 800 2222 (Monday to Friday, 9am-9pm and Saturday to Sunday 10am-3pm)

  • Barnardo’s Family Centres can also provide advice and guidance between 08.45am-4.30pm. There are 3 family centres on the Island:

    • South Wight: The Fairway, Sandown. PO36 9EQ. (Tel: 01983 408718)
    • Northeast: George Street, Ryde. PO33 2JF (Tel:01983 617617)
    • West & Central: Downside, Furrlongs, Newport. PO36 9EQ (Tel: 01983 529208)

  • Space 4 U is an emotional crisis support service for young people aged 11 to 17 (up to 18 with additional needs).

    07741 665182 Monday 5pm to 8pm, Wednesday 5pm to 8pm, Thursday 5pm to 8pm and Saturday 10am to 1.30pm

    07741 665182 web chat service Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10.30am to 1pm and Wednesday 1.30pm to 5pm

  • IW Youth Trust can provide confidential counselling support for 4-25-year-olds. Tel: 01983 529569 (10am-4pm, Mon-Fri).

    At the Isle of Wight Youth Trust, we understand how daunting it can be for parents, grandparents or carers when they see their child or young person struggling with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. It’s important to know that you are not alone in going through this – we can help. As a charity, our services are completely free of charge.

    We have a mental health support team working in schools plus a qualified clinical team and specially trained under-13s counsellors as well as wellbeing practitioners.

    Find out more by visiting our website

  • Amparo - Free and confidential support for people of all ages for as long as you need it. Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, groups of colleagues or peers – whatever is preferred by you and is most appropriate to your situation. The service can be delivered in your home or wherever you are most comfortable. Call 0330 088 9255. Please note this is not a crisis line.

NHS Mental Health Triage Service
You can call 111 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or visit www.111.nhs.uk and speak to the NHS Mental Health Triage Service.

The NHS 111 mental health triage service provides advice, support and guidance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for anyone living in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. It is an ageless service for anyone struggling with their mental health, including parents, carers and guardians needing additional mental health support on behalf of their children.