We have brought together a wide range of resources to signpost you to the support you need to help you manage your mental health.

With information about self-help tools including links to apps, videos and workshops, advice and information sources, helpline numbers and local support services and groups it will help you find the help you need in a way that works for you. Simply click on the boxes below for quick links to key information or use the menu guide at the top of this page.   

This site is still in development and we would value your feedback to help us to shape and improve it further. Please click on the feedback button at the bottom of the site to share your views with us. Thank you!

Crisis Support

If you feel things are getting more serious and you need urgent, specialist help, then there are organisations that can help you get the right support.

Advice & Information

There is a lot of advice and information available and sometimes the search can feel overwhelming. We’ve put together some useful sources to help you find what’s right for you.

Useful Tools

There are lots of resources online to help you if you are feeling low, stressed or are experiencing anxiety. Websites, videos, chatrooms, phone apps and more.

Talk to Someone

If you’re concerned about your mental health or a loved one, then there are a range of different organisations that you can talk to for more help and support. Talking about how you are feeling can make a big difference.

Local Support

On the Isle of Wight there are a number of organisations that can provide you with support you need to look after your mental health.

Cost of Living Support

The Cost of Living Crisis is affecting us all but for some people it can trigger mental health problems. You can find specific local support and information to help you in this section