Where to find local support to help you manage your mental health
On the Isle of Wight there are a number of organisations that can provide you with support, if you feel the things you have been doing to try and help yourself are not making you feel any better.
Isle of Wight Community Mental Health Wellbeing Service
The Isle of Wight Community Mental Health Wellbeing Service also runs a website and a dedicated Facebook page with helpful tips and information.
IsleTalk Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service (IAPTS)
The IsleTalk IAPT service is located in GP surgeries and other community venues across the Island and provides support for people suffering from common mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, stress, and low self-esteem. They provide services such as Group sessions, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and signposting. The team also has an employment service that works alongside the therapists (see Working Towards Wellbeing below).
Single Point of Access Team (SPA)
Access to all mental health services on the Isle of Wight is provided by the Single Point of Access Service (SPA). The SPA team conduct all crisis/ Urgent and Non Urgent assessments on the Isle of Wight. Their primary purpose is mental health clinical triage and face to face comprehensive assessments of mental health presentations. SPA conduct structured risk assessments, comprehensive biopsychosocial assessments and identify treatment pathways for service users who will require specialist secondary care. The service also signposts to alternative help and provision if this is thought more appropriate to a personโs needs. They provide crisis support 7 days a week between 7am- 9:30pm on 01983 522214. Alternatively 111 offer 24/7 access to a mental health practitioner.
Support from your local health centre
You can also get support from social prescribers, health and wellbeing coaches and mental health practitioners who work in your local GP practice.
Social prescribers can help work with you and your family to help you access a range of local community services that provide practical or emotional support and guidance of a non-medical nature. You can download a leaflet about social prescribing.
Health and wellbeing coaches are specially trained non-clinical members of a GP practice team who help people to manage their own physical and mental health conditions. You can download a leaflet about health and wellbeing coaches.
Mental health practitioners can provide guidance, advice, signposting and treatment for patients with mental health symptoms such as low mood, anxiety or depression.
Community Mental Health Services (Three Locality Teams)
These three teams provide assessments and treatments in the local communities for people aged 18 and over, who have mental health problems, including people who have complex needs. They provide a single point of entry to mental health services, and carry out screening and assessments, signposting, referrals for social care assessments, outpatient clinics, and home visits if necessary. Find out more about the services here.
Community Mental Health Safe Haven
If you are aged 18 or over, you can contact or drop-in to the Community Mental Health Safe Haven where trained professionals can discuss your mental health concerns and provide you with some help. Telephone: 01983 520168 or by email: safehaven@twosaints.org.uk This service operates Monday to Friday between 5pm-10pm and 10am-10pm (weekends and bank holidays).
Peer Support
Peer support is when people use their own experiences to help each other. Forms of peer support include community groups, mentoring, self-help groups, online communities and support groups and it can improve emotional health, wellbeing and sense of belonging.
The Just Be support group is aimed primarily at people with mental health issues and is based at Aspire Ryde, Trinity Buildings, Dover Street. Ryde. PO33 2BN. Tel: 01983 716020 for more details.
Employment support
The Working towards Wellbeing service are an experienced team of employment advisors from a varied range of backgrounds who support people with mental ill health or disability by helping them return to work, retain their current employment, find new employment, volunteering opportunities or undertake training/education. Working as part of the employment division of charity Osel Enterprises, they work within the Community Mental Health Team and IsleTalk IAPT. You can contact the service here.