There are several organisations providing mental health support for older people on the Isle of Wight:

Age UK Isle of Wight
Age UK Isle of Wight provides free independent, impartial and confidential information and advice on almost any topic to help people make informed decisions. They also offer telephone or digital befriending and wellbeing checks. Tel: 01983 525282 Email:

Your GP surgery
You can also get support from social prescribers, health and wellbeing coaches and mental health practitioners who work in your local GP practice.

Social prescribers can help work with you and your family to help you access a range of local community services that provide practical or emotional support and guidance of a non-medical nature.  You can download a leaflet about social prescribing.

Health and wellbeing coaches are specially trained non-clinical members of a GP practice team who help people to manage their own physical and mental health conditions. You can download a leaflet about health and wellbeing coaches.

Mental health practitioners can provide guidance, advice, signposting and treatment for patients with mental health symptoms such as low mood, anxiety or depression.

You can also talk to your GP about how you are feeling, they will be able to offer you advice and refer you to specialist support if needed.


The IOW NHS Memory Service
The Memory Service is for people of any age who are experiencing problems with their memory.  The service offers an initial assessment by a Consultant Psychiatrist at the clinic or at home.  For people who receive a diagnosis of dementia, they will be referred onto the Memory Service Team for further treatment, support and advice.  If you or someone you know are noticing problems with their memory, speak to your GP in the first instance and they can decide whether to refer you to the memory service.  The Memory Service can be contacted on 01983 534411 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm).

Mountbatten Isle of Wight โ€“ help with bereavement and grief
For help with bereavement and grief, Mountbatten on the Isle of Wight has a range of support on its website in the โ€˜Our care and supportโ€™ section. Main Reception telephone: (01983) 529511 and 24-hour specialist advice line (Mountbatten Coordination Centre): (01983) 533331